how to lose face fat?


You may not like round faces, or feel that there is too much meat on your face. In any case, you should accept who you are. You are the most beautiful if you are confident. That being said, there are many ways you can try to make your cheeks thinner.

Part 1
Change diet

Lose body fat. If you want to lose fat on your face, you have to lose body fat. There is no way to achieve partial weight loss by diet alone. Reduce the daily energy intake so that the body will use the fat stored in the body as energy. The cheeks will also become thinner.

When people lose weight, their neck, chin, and cheeks tend to get thinner first. For you who want to thin your face, this is a blessing. So as long as you reduce your energy intake in a healthy way, your face will lose weight soon.
The energy intake must be less than the energy consumed. It takes 7000 calories to lose 1kg. Human breathing and survival consume energy. But if you want to lose weight, you need to consume more energy than you consume. Then you will lose weight.
Reducing energy intake in a healthy way refers to reducing a certain amount of energy (such as 500 calories a day) through exercise or diet, rather than fasting alone. You can choose healthier foods, or start with small things, such as one less doughnut in the morning. From a medical point of view, not eating at all is actually dangerous. Fasting will also enable the body to turn on hunger mode, thereby slowing down the metabolism, and losing weight will become more difficult

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Drinking plenty of water every day has many benefits, one of which is to reduce the swelling of the face.

Drinking plenty of water can reduce the swelling of the face because it can take away toxins from the body. So it can make you healthier and improve skin and hair quality.
Drinking cold water consumes more energy. Try to drink 2 liters of water a day. Keeping your body hydrated all the time will not only make you feel better, but it will also have the effect of thinning your face in the long run.

Eat the right food and stick to a healthy diet. Eat less processed foods and refined flour, so you will become healthier. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, high-fiber foods, fish, and other protein-rich foods.

Eat fewer foods with high salt content. The salt in junk food is too high, so try not to eat junk food. Salt will keep more water in the body, and the face will appear more swollen. Sugar will also make the face rounder. processed carbohydrates with high sugar content can make your face swollen.
Minors should not drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, make you thirsty, and make your face swollen. You can eat more almonds, broccoli, spinach, salmon, and other beneficial foods

Find out if you are intolerant to certain foods. Sometimes, face swelling is caused by food allergies or intolerance. If you suspect that you have a problem in this area, see a doctor.

For example, some people are intolerant to gluten and need to eat gluten-free food. Recently, many restaurants and grocery stores sell gluten-free food.
Some people believe that irritable bowel syndrome causes the face to become swollen. Gastrointestinal diseases are very common, and about 15% of people have these problems.
Hormones can also make your face swollen. Hormonal changes may occur during premenstrual syndrome or premenopause.

Part 2
Try using exercises and other techniques to thin your face

Try to exercise facial muscles through facial expression exercises. Exercise your face to make your face thinner. This is because you stretched the facial muscles, making the skin on your face firmer.

Try bulging exercises. Breathe briefly and deeply, then leave the breath in your mouth and let one cheek bulge. Then send the gas to the other side and let the other side's cheeks bulge. Do this exercise several times from morning to night.
The smiling practice is to smile for a few seconds while clenching your teeth. It can make your cheeks firmer. Pouting, don't squint. Repeat the above actions. Do this exercise with one face first, and then switch to the other side.
Pouting for five seconds. Then pout your mouth to the right and then to the left. If you have rich facial expressions and often use facial muscles (even if you just laugh often), your face will naturally become thinner.

Promote metabolism through exercise. In doing so, you can see the changes on the face. Exercise is also good for your health.

You only need to try to walk for 30 minutes a day or do a 3 to 5-day cycle of exercise every week. Any exercise can promote metabolism, reduce body fat, and slim face.
Don't think you can eat junk food after exercising. Although exercise can definitely strengthen the body, weight loss mainly depends on diet.

Rely on adequate sleep to thin your face. You will be healthy if you have enough sleep. Many studies have shown that weight gain is related to lack of sleep.

When a person is tired, the body may become swollen, causing the face to droop. This will make the face look bigger than usual.
It is best to sleep 7 to 8 hours a day and maintain a regular schedule.

Try some creative face-lifting methods. Many methods are said to be able to thin the face, such as blowing a balloon or applying hot compresses.

Blowing a balloon can exercise facial muscles, thereby making the face firmer. Blow the balloon, then let go of the air in the balloon, repeat 10 times. You can see the changes after 5 days.
Some people think that steam can help reduce facial fat, so try putting a hot towel on your face. The face will sweat and release its stored fat. Soak the towel in hot water and apply it to your face. Some people also think that hot compresses can remove toxins from the face, so it can thin the face.
Chew sugar-free gum twice a day for at least 20 minutes each time. This is actually a facial exercise that consumes energy and tightens the face. You can also massage your face with Korean ginseng or wheat germ oil to promote blood circulation in the face. Starting from the chin, massage upwards with the palm of your hand in circular motions.

Part 3
A thin face with beauty techniques

Make up the face shape. Many different makeup techniques can make the cheeks look thinner.

Apply bronzes shade powder to the sunken areas of the cheeks and the sides of the nose. Applying blush on the top of the cheeks can also "reduce swelling" on the face.
Use shadow powder to draw a line along the cheekbones and connect it to the ears and corners of the mouth. Rub this line lightly to make it look more natural. Then apply blush on top of this line.
Choose a shade powder that is two shades darker than your skin tone. You can use this method to strengthen the contours of the face and make your face thinner

Emphasize the eyes. If you emphasize eye makeup, your entire face will look thinner.

Full lips will make the face look rounder. So if you are worried about this problem, you might as well pay more attention to it. Apply mascara, shadow, and eyeliner to the eyes. Nothing is needed on the lips or just a little nude lipstick.
To make the face look thinner, the shape of the eyebrows is very important. If your eyebrows are taller and well-shaped, your entire face will look thinner. If you don't know how to draw eyebrows, you can go to the beauty salon to have eyebrows.

Master the art of grooming. Many Hollywood stars relied on facial contouring to change their facial shapes, such as highlighting cheekbones or thin noses.

To make the nose thinner, choose a powder that is darker than the skin tone, and use it to draw a thin line on each side of the nose. Then use the brush to brush these two lines repeatedly to make them blend with the surrounding skin tone and become more natural. Apply highlights above the eyebrows and in the middle of the nose. Then spread it with a brush to make it blend with the skin more naturally.
When contouring, use a contouring powder darker than the skin tone to draw a stroke downward on the cheek. Spread it evenly to make it more natural. Use a powder that is two shades darker than the skin. Contouring can change the shape and lines of the face

Brighten the face. There is also a face-lifting makeup technique to brighten the face

Use a transparent highlighter. Use paint to apply highlights under the eyes and in the middle of the nose.
You should make good use of both brightening and shadowing techniques. Some people think that with the contrast of shadows and highlights, the face will look smaller.

Choose a hairstyle that can thin your face. Different hairstyles have different effects on different people. The same hairstyle can make the face thinner for some face shapes, but for other face shapes, it may make the face look more swollen.

If your hair is relatively long, don't let it exceed your chest. Cut some soft layers of hair to modify the face shape.
Roll the hair around your cheekbones and eyes. It is best not to choose straight hair. Straight bangs will make the face look fuller.
Avoid blunt bobs and choose longer, more layered, and fluffy hairstyles. Tying the hair back will expose the temples and the face will appear rounder. The ball head tied at the top of the head will make the face look thinner and longer.

Suppress the urge to have cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery is not only risky, it also looks unnatural. But some older people use plastic surgery to remove facial fat.

Liposuction and skin lifts can remove excess fat and skin. Some people choose to inject hyaluronic acid to change their face shape.
Think carefully before choosing surgery. It is best to like your own appearance and accept your own appearance. Many people regret it after plastic surgery. Young people should try to use natural methods to thin their faces, such as makeup techniques, and so on. Of course, we recommend a healthy diet. Cosmetic surgery is not only expensive but also dangerous.


Drink more water!
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
Don't eat too much junk food and drink as much water as possible.
Do not eat before going to bed.
Don't eat big meals after 8 pm.
Laugh more! Laughter is a natural facial movement.
Do facial exercises and eat sugar-free gum.
Face changes should not be too large, too thick makeup will look unnatural.
Love yourself. Thinning your face does not improve your self-esteem.
Consider laser therapy and cosmetic surgery.

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